Foyle Golf Demo Options
Foyle Golf

Foyle Men’s Golf Club 23rd Annual General Meeting Monday 20th February 2017

January 25, 2017

Foyle Men’s Golf Club 23rd Annual General Meeting will take place at 7.30pm on Monday 20th February 2017 in Foyle Golf Centre.

Nominations for Council should be submitted to the Hon. Secretary on or before Monday 6th February 2017 Nomination forms are available in Golf Reception.

Notices of Motion for consideration should be submitted to the Hon. Secretary on or before Monday 30th January 2017 Proposition forms are available in Golf Reception.

The Council would earnestly ask all Members to attend the AGM and engage fully in the meeting.

John J Logue

Hon Secretary

After independent assessment of our course and facilities, we are proud to have been awarded the Northern Ireland Tourist Board Quality
and Assurance Mark.