Foyle Golf Demo Options
Foyle Golf

Step 2 Return to Golf Protocol for Foyle Ladies Club

June 7, 2020

From Thursday the 11th June the LADIES CLUB will begin confined qualifying 18 hole and 9 hole competitions . THe following Protocol sets out a way in which golf can be played safely by the Ladies Club at Foyle. Please note that the Ladies Club Protocol for competition is different from the Men’s Club at this stage..


There will be no Competition Book or Computer Sign – In for the foreseeable future.

To enter a competition EACH member must put their entry fee of £3 in an envelope with the following details on it — name ,date and the competition entering . This envelope should then be posted by the member into the ladies’ box which will be in the shop. Please have your envelope ready before arriving at the club to avoid congregating.

Any members unwilling to handle money can make alternative arrangements with Honorary Treasurer Sally Moloney.


Each member will mark their own score plus the score of another member down the side of the card . At the end of the round members should verify their scores. The card marker must then sign their own card and PRINT the name of the member who verified the score.

CARDS SHOULD NEVER BE SWAPPED. Cards should have the usual information at the top of the card; name, handicap, date , and competition.



Score cards will NOT be returned to the box . Scores must be submitted via a photograph on Whatsapp Private message to the Competition Secretary Anne Hamilton ( 07714093351 ). Scores should not be submitted on any of the Foyle Golf Club Groups. The Competition Secretary will return all the scores for the competition to the computer. All scores must be returned to competitions entered otherwise a Non-Return will be recorded. Cards should be retained by members for a few weeks in case there are any queries with scoring. Members will be informed of Handicap changes and a copy of Members Handicap sheet will be emailed regularly.


Please continue to book using the online booking system.

Members are asked to play in 3 balls rather than 2 balls as much as possible.

It is important to remove ” Privacy “on your club online booking setting. This will allow members names to be shown when a booking is made and may prevent men booking the same tee time.


FLAGS are not to be touched and are to always remain in the hole


As the removal of all rakes has been recommended in this Protocol , Players are requested to smooth bunkers using either their foot or a club after playing their stroke.

Additionally, the following temporary LOCAL RULE FOR BUNKERS will be in place.

” When a players’ ball lies in a bunker , the player may take free relief of 6 inches in the bunker.
Relief must be in the bunker and it can only be taken once. Players must not smooth the sand before placing the ball.

There will be no club draws until further notice. Please organise your own tee times and partners.


Vouchers will be issued for the competitions regularly and can be collected from the shop when notified .

Please maintain social distancing at all times and avoid slow play on the course.

The programme for the year has been suspended but any changes will be emailed to all members.

Locker rooms are out of bounds in the meantime.

Please keep reading all communications that are emailed and check Golf Net.

Denise Callan ( Hon Sec )

After independent assessment of our course and facilities, we are proud to have been awarded the Northern Ireland Tourist Board Quality
and Assurance Mark.