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Foyle Golf

Thursday Club Competition

January 19, 2022

Thursday 13th January 10 Hole Competition, NQ:

So, we got the new year off to a start today with a 10 Hole stableford in fine conditions; the nice weather was reflected in the scoring of the day. 18 girls turned out and it took a 3way break of tie to separate the top 3 prize winners!

Scoring 21 points, steady eddie Christine Mc took top honours while the holder of the purse strings Sally M secured second spot and Catherine R returned once again to the podium, this time to take the third!
Lorna was 2 points adrift on 19 for a 4th place; well played everyone!
Now ladies keep a good eye on the notice board and Denise’s emails for important club business over the next while as we prepare for the 2022 season.
In the meantime it’s 10 holes weekly for another few weeks

After independent assessment of our course and facilities, we are proud to have been awarded the Northern Ireland Tourist Board Quality
and Assurance Mark.