Foyle Golf Club President Mr Rob Gallagher extends best wishes to all the Members playing on his Presidents Day.
All players taking part are asked to book in at least 15 minutes before their allotted tee time to help with the smooth running of the event.
The Following is the draw for playing partners;
07.56 J Mc Callion G Mc Closkey P Duddy B Mc Chrystal
08.04 G Mc Guigan P Anderson S Gauld D Knox
08.12 Sean Ferry Peter Cassidy J Bradley S Mc Laughlin
08.20 Seamus Ferry I Hargraves S Moore Eddie Ball
08.28 J Mc Dowell S Mc Eleney M Mc Eleney J Murray
08.36 A Another
08.44 J Meehan G Mc Callion J Mc Fadden S Sands
08.52 A Another
09.00 M Coyle G Mc Elroy P Mc Guigan M Mc Keone
09.08 G Jackson R Moore M Kivelehan J Spence
09.16 D Kivelehan A Mc Keever M Duddy C O’ Doherty
09.24 J A Lafferty M Kielty D Mc Kinney P Mc Cafferty
09.32 J Duffy G Kennedy A Browne P Kemish
09.40 A Another
09.48 A Another
09.56 S Gibson D Ming P Maxwell S Radcliffe
10.04 E Hutton N Cassidy C Cassidy A Gurney
10.12 K Duffy Paul Cassidy A Jackson S Mooney
10.20 D Meenan M Dunn G Tyre J Hannaway
10.28 S Haslett C Haslett J Etherson K Dunn
10.36 A Another
10.44 K Mc Callion K Henderson C Forbes D Harkin
10.52 D Mc Cafferty V Brady C O’ Donnell Conor O’ Doherty
11.00 S Kivelehan G Harkin R Kennedy J Mc Cauley
11.08 A Another
11.16 A Another
11.24 A Another
11.32 Ladies Until 12.52
13.00 Presidents Guests Until 13.56
14.04 A Another
14.12 W Mc Geehan J Comey J S Doherty J O’ Reilly
14.20 A Another
14.28 T Daly D Campbell M Tierney