There was great support for the Total Golf Easter Egg Competitions with 27 sheets completed and 810 cards taken out.
Category 0 – 10
Sht. 1 Emmet Hutton [ 9 ] 25pts / Sht 2 Kevin Thomas [ 7 ] 23pts
Sht 3 Niall Mc Guinness [ 4 ] 22pts B.O.T. / Sht 4 Harry Wright [ 7 ] 23pts
Category 11 – 16
Sht 1 John Coyle [ 13 ] 24pts / Sht 2 Seamus Mc Laughlin [ 16 ] 24pts
Sht 3 Eamonn O’ Kane [ 15 ] 23pts / Sht 4 Declan Ryan [ 12 ] 23pts
Sht 5 Joe Bradley [ 15 ] 24pts / Sht 6 Terry Cavanagh [ 11 ] 23pts
Sht 7 Damien Ming [ 15 ] 24pts B.OT. / Sht 8 Dermot Harkin [ 16 ] 23pts B.O.T.
Sht 9 Paul Maxwell [ 13 ] 23pts / Sht 10 James Sheehan [ 15 ] 25pts
Category 17+
Sht 1 Paul Dunn [ 20 ] 25pts / Sht 2 James Meehan [ 19 ] 24pts
Sht 3 Stephen Gibson [ 25 ] 23pts / Sht 4 Paul Kivelehan [ 21 ] 25pts
Sht 5 George Fitzpatrick [ 19 ] 23pts / Sht 6 Lenny Mc Grory [ 23 ] 22pts B.OT.
Sht 7 Martin Mc Callion [ 20 ] 23pts / Sht 8 William Mc Geehan [ 18 ] 24pts
Sht 9 Steven Brown [ 19 ] 26pts / Sht 10 John Comey [ 19 ] 24pts
All Categories
Sht 1 Gavin Mc Callion [ 20 ] 25Pts / Sht 2 Michael Dunn [ 23 ] 23pts B.O.T. / Sht 3 Paul Dunn [ 20 ] 24pts B.O.T.