Foyle Golf Demo Options
Foyle Golf

Total Golf Easter Egg Competitions

April 5, 2019

There was great support for the Total Golf Easter Egg Competitions with 27 sheets completed and 810 cards taken out.

Category 0 – 10

Sht. 1 Emmet Hutton [ 9 ] 25pts / Sht 2 Kevin Thomas [ 7 ] 23pts

Sht 3 Niall Mc Guinness [ 4 ] 22pts B.O.T. / Sht 4 Harry Wright [ 7 ] 23pts

Category 11 – 16

Sht 1 John Coyle [ 13 ] 24pts / Sht 2 Seamus Mc Laughlin [ 16 ] 24pts

Sht 3 Eamonn O’ Kane [ 15 ] 23pts / Sht 4 Declan Ryan [ 12 ] 23pts

Sht 5 Joe Bradley [ 15 ] 24pts / Sht 6 Terry Cavanagh [ 11 ] 23pts

Sht 7 Damien Ming [ 15 ] 24pts B.OT. / Sht 8 Dermot Harkin [ 16 ] 23pts B.O.T.

Sht 9 Paul Maxwell [ 13 ] 23pts / Sht 10 James Sheehan [ 15 ] 25pts

Category 17+

Sht 1 Paul Dunn [ 20 ] 25pts / Sht 2 James Meehan [ 19 ] 24pts

Sht 3 Stephen Gibson [ 25 ] 23pts / Sht 4 Paul Kivelehan [ 21 ] 25pts

Sht 5 George Fitzpatrick [ 19 ] 23pts / Sht 6 Lenny Mc Grory [ 23 ] 22pts B.OT.

Sht 7 Martin Mc Callion [ 20 ] 23pts / Sht 8 William Mc Geehan [ 18 ] 24pts

Sht 9 Steven Brown [ 19 ] 26pts / Sht 10 John Comey [ 19 ] 24pts

All Categories

Sht 1 Gavin Mc Callion [ 20 ] 25Pts / Sht 2 Michael Dunn [ 23 ] 23pts B.O.T. / Sht 3 Paul Dunn [ 20 ] 24pts B.O.T.

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